We are very excited to present Starcodes Academy to you and to get to know each other better! Starcodes Academy was created almost two years ago when Hrabby started channeling lightcodes on her Ipad. She brought her art to Alma and after looking at almost 100 pictures we knew we had something unique that we needed to work with. Soon we started our own personal transformation journey that has since then completely changed our lives and now we support others on their own transformational journey.
After spending hundreds of hours channeling material from Archangel Metatron, other archangels, masters, goddesses, dragons and other light beings we completed Your Personal Transformation that is our core programme. The journey was not simple and quick, we ourselves went through the material a number of times, worked through many of our challenges at the same time as we got attuned to the beings working with us, and adjusting to the changes in energy. It was a tough but phenomenal journey of self discovery and transformation, and we are very excited to bring this amazing gift we got out to you and the rest of the world!
Mikið hefur gerst á síðustu tveimur árum og við hlökkum í einlægni til að halda áfram ferðalaginu og kynnast fleira frábæru fólki sem finnur köllun til að fara í gegnum prógrammið okkar. Á þessari vefsíðu munum við reglulega birta ýmsan fróðleik um ýmis áhugaverð viðfangsefni, svo við hvetjum ykkur til að heimsækja okkur reglulega. Þið getið einnig skráð ykkur á póstlistann okkar til að fylgjast með starfseminni og fá nýjustu fréttir af námskeiðum og viðburðum á okkar vegum.
We hope you enjoy reading about Starcodes Academy, our programme and the people who have been through it, and listening to the videos. We look forward to getting to know you and hopefully meet up one day! We love meeting and working with like minded people, utilising all the love and light we have to make Mother Earth an even better place to live.
We look forward to connecting with you so please follow us on social media (Facebook, Instagram and YouTube). See you there!