From Metatron

A message from Archangel Metatron to all those visiting our website, channeled on 18th of January 2022.

From Metatron

A message from Archangel Metatron to all those visiting our website, channeled on 18th of January 2022.


We would like to present the following messages about this project that you have received and will bring out to the world. We want it to be known that we are a large group of beings behind the Starcodes project, our energy is various, and we will therefore connect with many different people. It is different who relates to what energy, everyone finds something they like within the framework you have created here with us. It may be said that you have created with us, because together we create a better world – we and you. There is no separation between your consciousness, our consciousness and all other consciousnesses in the Universe. It is important to be able to connect with different consciousnesses to experience that we are all one. We are here together to create, to create a better life for the individual but at the same time to create a better life for everyone everywhere in the Universe. The Earth keeps going her course of ascension and you will follow.

We want to support you with this project, as well as many other projects that many other people are working on. This project is special because there are so many involved, many consciousnesses, many beings as you would say, a lot of different energies. There is a strong flow within the project, a lot of processing. This will help people feel, feel at home, feel themselves in a community and feel how they will cleanse themselves and their consciousness. Our message to everyone is to follow your heart. To sense whether this project is relevant for you now, or possibly later. We ask everyone to listen carefully to your deepest essence, to feel if this is a path you are ready to step onto now. Do you have the trust in yourself and us to step onto this path led by Starcodes Academy?

Those who are supposed to go through your school, will have all the support they need to make that happen. They will have all the money they need to travel this path if they are ready. Everyone who makes the decision will get through the school without needing to worry about anything around the organization or anything related to the abundance needed. The Universe is full of abundance and there is plenty for everybody. There is plenty of love, plenty of what you use as your energy, money, plenty of all that you as humans on the Earth need.

We ask you, Alma and Hrabbý, to reach out to as many as possible as soon as possible because people need your energy now. People need to know about you and that they are moving onto the path you will lead them through. People need to feel the community today. We ask you to reach out and be visible in any way you can. We will support you and make sure you will be seen. We will lead people to you. Our message to those who will read, or watch, or get to know you in any way, is to trust their heart, trust your energy, trust what we have given you and trust themselves to make the decision that is best for them at each time. Yes, on one hand we ask for a lot of trust, on the other hand we give a lot of trust. We create with you this community that is needed now so that everyone can enjoy, and everyone can feel how they belong, how we are all one.

We want it to be very clear that this gift to you is something that you are supposed to bring out to the world, and we will send you the people. Be unafraid to continue and we will guide you to the right places, to the right people to create the right connections, and to create the right communities. Community is important at this time. To create a community of humans guided by love. To create a community where the light gets to flow as needed to continue to cleanse, stream and shine brighter than it has been able to so far. We are here with you and all those who want to step onto this path, to lead you and help in any way possible. Remember to ask us to open the doors.

Sit down and connect as you have done before to channel content. Allow names, places, and other information to flow. We will take you on a journey and show you the places and people needed. As soon as your voice will be heard in the world people will connect to it and it will start to listen. Therefore, it is important that you use the spoken word more than you do now, more of your voice, more of what you have to share. It needs to reach more people. Be visible because we are with you, we are behind you and people will connect to you. That is why you were given this project.