About StarCodes Academy
Starcodes Academy was created by Alma Hrönn and Hrafnhildur Ýr in early 2020 after Hrabbý started channeling light codes from ancient Atlantis. They were told by spirit that they needed to work with the light codes and together started channeling material from Archangel Metatron and other beings of light and were soon requested to support others in transforming their lives and living their divinity. That led them on an 18-month journey where they channeled training material, meditations and other information for a nine-month programme of personal transformation.
During this time they went three times through all the work that comes with the course and that journey was truly a wild ride for them! They had to be in complete trust of the Universe and know that the guidance for each step of the way would come when they were ready as they were finally living their divinity. This is how Your Personal Transformation, Starcodes Academy’s key product, was born.
Our mission:
We empower our participants to transform their existence through honest reflection, healing, creativity and connection.
Our vision:
Starcodes Academy supports the Earth and humankind on their ascension journey by empowering people to reach their fullest potential and live their divine purpose, with lightcodes and divine guidance as our key tools.
Integrity is a key element in all self-development.
Personal transformation can be reached through healing, self-reflection, creativity and diversity, allowing us to experience joy, prosperity and our magnificent power.
A true connection to ourselves, divine guidance and all there is bring us a great sense of belonging and strong self-love.