Our Blog

Embracing Uncertainty

Embracing Uncertainty

Do you ever feel like you’re on the brink of something amazing, but you don’t know what it is? Like you are just sitting at the edge of this tremendous cliff with zero visibility? Somewhere in the mist is a miracle waiting, but what is it? I have a mixed relationship...

The Friday Chat – September 20th 2024 – Coming out of the spiritual closet – VIDEO

Most of us walking our spiritual path struggle with the feeling of not belonging, being alone or being misunderstood. This often makes us retreat even further into our spiritual closet where we keep our experiences, our struggles and our exporations to ourselves. But...

New meditation bundle Available – Connecting With Nature – VIDEO

We created this outdoor meditation bundle to help you connect with nature more deeply anywhere and anytime in a deeper and more meaningful way. The bundle contains four meditations where you connect with different phenomena in nature and examine what gifts and...

The Friday Chat – August 30th 2024 – Why should we listen to our hearts? – VIDEO

It is easy to drown out your heart's voice in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We know the feeling well and we also know where ignoring our heart for years and years can take you. In this video we discuss why it is important to listen to our heart and follow...
Who are we and why are we appearing on your screen?

Who are we and why are we appearing on your screen?

Life works in mysterious ways! It can be so interesting and sometimes baffling to look back and see how every choice you made during your lifetime has brought you to this moment right here - right now. But here we are! Appearing on your screen and we don't think it's...

WE challenge YOU!

WE challenge YOU!

Do you long for more happiness, freedom and inner peace in your daily life? (YES!)   What do you need to change for that to happen? (BE HONEST!) All changes start by taking just one step at a time, and right now is the perfect time to practice! Join our February...