Healing the Family Line

It is good practice to look at our family line, the patterns that have been created from generation to generation and how that impacts us and the people close to us. We may have agreed before our incarnation to take on the task of releasing family patterns, healing the family line and the imbalances that have been created even as far back as seven generations. 

There are many ways to do this work but one of the most important lessons is to have the courage to step out of unhealthy patterns, and simply not participate but to do that we need to have a look at the patterns, observe and recognise what is healthy for us and what is not. Codependency is a huge challenge for us all, but with time we learn to let go and focus on ourselves as I can only be responsible for myself and you are responsible for you. 

Breaking the pattern can change the family dynamics which is not always something people like so it takes courage to heal. We are always rewarded in the end as we must follow our truth and it is fine if it is different from other peoples truth – we can always agree to disagree. Knowing your truth, feeling your truth and standing up for your truth takes a lot of courage but it feels amazing! 

What needs healing in your family line? 

We look forward to connecting with you so find us under @starcodesacademy on Facebook and Instagram and on our YouTube Channel.

See you there!

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